Join Indri's Group Orders

Indri's Group Orders

Indri's Group Orders are the best prices we offer on fantastic vanilla beans! Order in two easy steps: 1- Click the blue box and find the open order form. Read the Google Form, fill it out and submit it.  2- Calculate your own total and submit payment via the links provided. That's it! Pretty easy, right?

December 16 - January 5

Nickname: "Nasturtium"

Variety of Vanilla Bean: Papua New Guinea, V. planifolia, Grade A, Bourbon Cure

Got the form filled out, but need the payment links again? 

Papua New Guinea, V. planifolia, "Nasturtium"

Check-out Link (for credit cards):

PayPal Payments: 

Or send payment to

Payment links for late payments:

By only offering one type of vanilla bean or spice at a time, we're able to field orders and ship en masse--an essential element in keeping prices low! If you need a payment link to a now-closed order form, look below. This is only for people who successfully submitted an order form.

(CLOSED, no new orders)

Timor Leste, extract grade, $5/oz plus shipping:
Check-out Link (for credit cards):