Indri's Vanilla Bean Group Resources

This is a resource page for members of Indri's Vanilla Bean Group. To join Indri's Vanilla Bean Group, you just have to enjoy vanilla beans! Our group buys are our most cost effective way to purchase vanilla beans, and we rotate through multiple vanilla bean varieties and occasional other spices all year long. Have a question that is not addressed by our resources? Please email and we'll connect with you as soon as possible!

 Order Now

Join a group order--all the information you need is here. Also find the payment link for an order if you still need to pay.
Order Lookup

Look-up YOUR recent group orders (What did I order? Did I pay? Has my order shipped yet? Is my address right?)

Group Order Status

Schedule of all Upcoming Group Orders and Status of previous group orders (What can I order next? When did we last order that bean? What was the projected turnaround time? What is the cost?)

Extract Results

See Community Extract Results and share yours.  Which alcohol should I use with these beans?

Email Sign-up

Sign up for email notifications about upcoming orders and sales. Be the first to know!

Text Sign-Up Receive Text notifications of new group orders, or retail coupon codes (We hate spam too! We only send notices about sales and never share your information.)
Product Links

See and order products that Indri's Vanilla Bean Group friends use and recommend.

Bean Fairy

Sly's Bean Fairy Fund, donate or nominate someone in need of vanilla beans.


Vanilla Bean Profiles (what does that bean look or smell like? How many beans in an ounce?)


Vanilla Glossary (Learn the lingo)

New Beanies Help

Check here for help if you are a New Bean or if this is your first-time ordering.

ALL the Vanilla Making Advice

A blog of our most frequently discussed topics, questions, recipes, and requests, drawing on our combined hundreds of years of vanilla extract making experience.



Group Resources