Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks
Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks
Ceylon Cinnamon sticks also known as "true" cinnamon have slightly fruity flavor notes after the strong cinnamon flavor. They're also more papery than cassia. We recommend lightly toasting these upon arrival as they have not been heat treated at all. Heat in a low oven (300 degrees F or less) for about 10 minutes, let cool, then store in an airtight container at room temperature. We've had a lot of success grinding these into powder with a blender or spice grinder. Fresh ground Ceylon cinnamon is sweet and balanced, and elevates all cinnamon based recipes!
These cinnamon sticks have been tested for lead and heavy metals and are well below the level of concern! (We sent in two samples to be tested and they came back at 0.0993 and 0.0636 parts per million of lead. 1 ppm is the threshold for recall.)
One ounce of Ceylon cinnamon sticks is approximately 4-5 individual quills, and yields roughly 1/4-1/3 of a cup of ground cinnamon.
Read more about toasting, grinding, storing, and using Ceylon Cinnamon on our blog!
Because these cinnamon sticks need to breathe to stay dry, we ship them in zip-top bags, not vacuum sealed. A small amount of chipping, flaking, or breakage may occur during transit.